Greg Skulmoski, "Shields Up Cybersecurity Project Management"
We expect more automation, integration, and online activity in the foreseeable future resulting in more cybersecurity risks and issues. Therefore, organizations and individuals are spending more resources on cybersecurity projects to implement, maintain, and optimize the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of their digital services and data. The demand for cybersecurity projects and expertise is growing; it is a great time to learn about cybersecurity project management.
Cybersecurity is complex and aligning to a multitude of international standards can be problematic. In Dr. Greg Skulmoski’s presentation, attendees will be introduced to a project management approach that combines and tailors best practices to cybersecurity projects as detailed in his book Shields Up: Cybersecurity Project Management. The Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, NIST Cybersecurity Framework, ITIL Service Management, ISO Risk Management, ISO Quality Management, and ISO Information Security Standards are aligned into a project delivery and optimization approach for cybersecurity projects (including post-quantum cryptography and cryptographic agility projects).
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